Cómo preparar el almacenamiento de los artículos

Si usted se está preparando para una larga distancia, mover a, digamos Houston, usted tendrá que considerar varias cosas. En primer lugar, usted tendrá que contratar a empresas de mudanzas de larga distancia Houston to transport your items. Most of the time, some of these items will need to go to a almacenamiento unit. And that is when you will need to prepare your items for almacenamiento. Before that, you will obviously need to find a great almacenamiento unit for your purposes. Hay un montón de cosas que usted puede hacer para maximizar la seguridad de tus artículos. A partir de la creación de una lista de inventario, a través de optar por los contenedores de plástico, estratégico para el embalaje de sus artículos, en este artículo se tendrá a todos!!

If you want to really prepare your belongings for a stay in a almacenamiento unit, this guide is for you! Without further ado, we present to you:

Preparar los elementos para el almacenamiento – guía Útil

Aquí están las cosas que esta guía abarcará:

  • Search for suitable almacenamiento unit
  • Crear una lista de inventario
  • Limpio y vacío de sus pertenencias
  • El uso de recipientes de plástico en lugar de cajas de cartón
  • Desmontar los elementos de gran tamaño y preparar los aparatos
  • Prepare your items for almacenamiento and pack them into a almacenamiento unit strategically
First things first! Search for a suitable almacenamiento unit!

Búsqueda por la unidad de almacenamiento

The first thing that you need to do is to find a almacenamiento unit that is perfect for your belongings. The main thing that you will need to decide on is whether you need climate-controlled almacenamiento. Do not mix this with air-conditioned almacenamiento, however, as they are simply not the same thing. Climate-controlled almacenamiento regulates humidity as well as air temperature, a really important distinction. If you have plenty of items that can easily get damaged by high humidity levels, you will need this particular almacenamiento unit.

However, for the most part, you will not really need it. If you don’t really know if you need one, make sure to ask a moving company that you are renting the almacenamiento from. If you are renting a almacenamiento unit in Orlando, you will need Orlando empresas de mudanzas de larga distancia. Simple como eso. Su almacenamiento unit also needs to accommodate your needsasí. Usted querrá una unidad que puede tener acceso en su propio tiempo, de preferencia.

Recuerde, the better the availability, security, and amenities, the more expensive the almacenamiento unit becomes. You can still find some great deals if you look for them that might combine all of that with a low price, as well. Make sure to devote some time to searching for the perfect almacenamiento unit!

Crear una lista de inventario

You will also need to create an inventory list of all of the items that are going to almacenamiento. The fact of the matter is that sometimes items in the almacenamiento can get misplaced or damaged. You will want to have proof that your items were, in fact, inside the almacenamiento unit. It will also make it a lot easier for you to remember what exactly is in the almacenamiento unit. It definitely beats spending a lot of time opening boxes and figuring out what is in which box, in the case that you forget. If you have a photographic memory, you can safely skip this part. For the rest of us, an inventory list is a great tool. There is no right and wrong para crear una lista de inventario pero hay algunas pautas que usted puede ir a través de antes de crearlo.

lista de verificación
Crear una lista de inventario de todos los elementos que desea almacenar.

Preparar los elementos para el almacenamiento Limpio y vacío de sus pertenencias

Before you can place your items in the almacenamiento unit, you will need to properly clean them. Start by vacuuming every item before you place it inside a box. Apply some cleaning solutions and wipe them clean before placing them in almacenamiento. This will prolong the shelf life of all items considerably and it will minimize any risk to your items. It does take some time off your hands, though, but it is a necessary process to do. While you can always hire someone to do it for you, this is really something that you want to do on your own. You don’t really need to make everything spotless, either. Simply devote some time to make sure that your items have the least amount of risk while they are staying inside a almacenamiento unit. That is all.

Sin embargo, si usted no tiene tiempo para preparar todo en su propio, usted siempre puede contratar a una empresa de mudanzas profesional y obtener su completo de los servicios de embalaje. They will gladly pack and transport all of your belongings to the almacenamiento unit you have previously rented out.

El uso de recipientes de plástico en lugar de cajas de cartón

El uso de recipientes de plástico para sus artículos es una gran vida "hack" de este tipo. You see, plastic bins can be transparent so you can easily see what is inside the box and where it is. They are also infinitely more stackable than the boxes. You can save a lot of space by using these and making use of all the vertical space in the almacenamiento unit. Thus, you can rent out a smaller unit, which will save you money in the long run. These bins are a great packing solution and you should at least consider using them.

Desmontar los elementos de gran tamaño y preparar los aparatos

Cuando se trata de mudanza de artículos voluminosos y electrodomésticos, que necesitará un poco de trabajo adicional. Todo lo que es realmente grande, pesado, voluminoso o cualquier combinación de los tres necesitará un poco de desmontaje. Está bien si usted no sabe cómo hacer esto, simplemente pídale a alguien que lo hace! O que alguien lo haga por usted, que es aún más fácil. Pero para la mayor parte, sólo necesitas un poco de know-how. No es muy complicado. Unless you want to disassemble a really expensive safe. That is something that is perhaps best left to the professionals. All in all, make sure that your items are well prepared for an extended stay in the almacenamiento unit. You never know how long will they have to stay there.

How to properly prepare your items for almacenamiento – use original boxes for appliances before storing them.

Preparar los elementos para el almacenamiento y el pack en una unidad de almacenamiento estratégico

Finally, when the time to pack your items inside a almacenamiento unit comes, you will need to employ some strategy. Considerar los elementos que se necesitan primer lugar y los elementos de la última. Aparte de eso, considere el espacio vertical y cómo se puede utilizar más. Asegúrese de que cualquier cosa que hagas tus artículos no son "ondulante" o en peligro de caerse.

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