How to pack your book collection before moving long distance

Books are a joy! There aren’t in the world more beautiful and more calming things than books sometimes. That nice and warm filing when you take a book into your hands and you lay down comfortably on the sofa or bed. Liking to read while riding a bus or drinking coffee in your most loved coffee place! Sometimes books are the precious gifts that we received from someone we love. That gift becomes a memory at the same moment we took that book into our hands. The memory could be just the funny message carried by the title of the book that your best friend gave you! It would be such a shame to leave behind all that nice filings and beautiful memories just because you need to move somewhere far away! Pack your book collection most carefully and find a moving company that can assist with the adventure!

Woman in sweater with a book in hands sitting under the blanket
Cozily place to reed is the worm one!

“A room without books is like a body without a soul”

Books must be handled with great care! Your home library is something that makes your house more homelike, worm, and decorative. Long distance moving companies Austin TX can assist you in moving that favorite library of yours to the new home. The more books you have, the more work will be to pack them for long-distance moving. Besides that, you will have other things to pack such as your furniture, clothes, pictures or decorations, dishes, etc.

For every item in the house, you need to think of the best way to pack them. For every type of item, you can use different cushioning materials and boxes. The same way goes with books. The better plan you think of the easier will be to pack and unpack. It will be more satisfying for you to rearrange all the items in the new house. There are few different ways to pack your book collection.

We will recommend some variations to pack books; at the same time, you will maybe have fun while packing them! When you pack your belongings for the move, memories can emerge. Some of them can be sad and not that beautiful. That is also sometimes nice. That way you can be happier for the other memories that are pleasing, The ones that are related to the old life. The ones that you will bring in the new life at the new location where you will live from now on.

Women reading in library. Pack your book collection shelf by shelf
Take time to go through all the memories that books caries!

Examples of how to pack your book collection H2 – have fun while planning

You can start packing books on time. Then you will have time to see some forgotten books or the most favorite ones. The ones that you read a long time ago. You will see the ones you got as a present. You will recognize old books; some fairy tale books from your childhood. Even some really bad book choices that you bought and read it anyway. The favorite part is going through all remembering where and when you put your hands on it. Reading some forgotten dedications inside a book, seeing from whom you got it. Maybe laughing or letting go of a tear because of that exact memory at the moment. If you are not in a hurry, firstly take time to analyze moments relaxed and at the same time make a plan how you will pack all those memories in the form of a book in a box!

Few variations on how you can pack your books:

  • Packing by the type of books
  • Planing by the size of books
  • Loving the old pattern ( pack by room or shelf)
  • Packing by priorities

General tips – think ahead!

A little bit about boxes

The interesting tip is that you should pack the books in smaller boxes! The books are heavy when put in the same space, therefore you won’t be able to move the big box so easily and you won’t know where to start with unpacking. In addition, unpacking will probably take a few days or more and in the meantime, if you need to move the box from room to room, it is better to be a lighter box. You don’t want to hurt your back by lifting the heavy box.

And a little bit about the rest of the general tips

One certain thing is that you need new and clean boxes for the books. You also need some material to wrap books in and is best that that material is waterproof just in caseLong distance movers Spring TX are there for all hard work. They will help with the moving process the best they can. You should think of how to pack your book collection, so when you unpack, it will take less timeyou will have an organized system. Last and not least, maybe you can clean the books from dust before packing. Save yourself the trouble doing it in the new house where you will already have other cleanings to do probably, you don’t need the dust from your current house on top of everything else.

Woman and men packing books in the boxes
Pack your book collection with fun while you arrange the style of packing!

Packing by the type of books

Arrange your books by type – one box can be novels, one box can be professional literature if you have one. One box can be cookbooks or something that goes with that, like travel books (for example cuisine and culture go together). The other one could be encyclopedias, etc. You know best your library, have play paring the types together like a puzzle. While doing this puzzle, you will be maybe inspired by that what you should read next. You can look for some new books when you settle in. Make new memories in the new house.

Planing by the size of books

This is maybe easier if you don’t have time to play puzzles. Separate wider and larger books in the wider boxes, and put fewer books in it, it won’t be heavy. The smaller and lighter ones go in bigger boxes, as a result, you can put a greater number of books in it because it is a similar weight to bigger books in the smaller box.

Loving the old pattern – pack by room or shelf

If you are certain that you will have the same order in your books shelves as you have right now, then pack in the boxes one shelf at the time, and put different labels on each box that contains books from the particular shelf (use same colors for marking, for example, a different color for the different shelf). The same system could be used for room-by-room packing.

See what is priority – pack by it

If you have some priorities, maybe because of work or something like that, pack them first and in the same box the more you can. Label them more distinctly than the other boxes.

A new chapter in your life – “Life is an open book full of blank pages”

In all that boxes that you will be surrounded by, books, clothes and everything else – don’t forget the essential box for a long-distance move. Pack your book collection in the way you want. In the meantime, if you decide that you don’t want some books in your home library, put them aside, and later you can give someone or donate them. Do that with all of your belongings! You will have fewer books and other stuff to move to the new location, more space for new ones, and lesser to unpack, etc. For example, someone will be happy because of the “old” books or clothes that you gave them. Giving away things in your life makes room for new and better things. Take care of yourself, avoid stress, be happy for the new chapters in life. 

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