If you want to help your seniors with moving (which you should), you need to approach the whole thing from the right angle. Seniors can be quite finicky and they might refuse the help, that is just the way they were raised. They believe that no help is required, which in most cases is simply not true. In order to help seniors prepare for moving, you are going to need to be a bit crafty. Try to ensure that they hire one of the best cross country moving companies for their relocation. That is a good start. Being near them as much as you can is going to slowly whittle away their complaints and discomfort, as well. In this article, we are going to present you with three simple steps to follow when helping your seniors relocate.
How to help seniors prepare for moving in 3 simple steps!
Here are the steps, in a list form:
- Be present all the time and support them
- Help them find a lovely home
- Contact a professional moving company to help seniors prepare for moving

Be present all the time and support them
First things first. You need to make sure that the seniors that you are helping are comfortable with you being around. The only way to do that is to be there as much as you can. You see, they do not like being a hindrance. In fact, that feeling of being dependant carries the most weight. If you show them that you are going to be around because you want to, everything will be a lot easier. So, before your cross country movers Houston arrive, you should spend as much time and help out as much as you can. Also, be patient with the antics of your seniors. They have earned your support and patience. We all need to take care of our elders to the best of our ability. The world is yours and theirs is fading away, it is the least that you can do.
Supporting them means that you listen to what they say and do what they tell you to do. It might be an annoying process at times but try to soldier through it. Try to anticipate their needs, even if they don’t tell you. If you see them wanting to carry heavy loads, jump in and relieve them of that burden. A wise thing to do is to look into storage services so you can arrange for some of the heavier items to be transported well in advance. Aside from that, talk to them as much as you can. Have them tell you some stories they are fond of. That will definitely break the ice and make the whole business much more pleasant.
Help them find a lovely home
Your seniors might not really care about the new home. If they have to move, it is most likely by necessity, after all. And they will stoically relocate, no matter where they are going. It is up to you to ensure that their new home is as beautiful and comfortable as the old one, even more so. While you are doing that, seniors might take packing into their own hands so it might be best to hire full packing services from a moving company. Of course, if you feel that it is not necessary, leave your seniors to their own devices while you search for a home. It all depends on their personality, truth to be told.

Contact a professional moving company to help seniors prepare for moving
Packing services are not the only thing that professional movers can do for you. They can help you with all stages of the move. With their help, everything is going to be easier. Do not allow your seniors anywhere near the heavy items, as they might try to take matters into their own hands. While they might very well be capable of lifting and carrying a couch, why risk moving injuries? Make sure that all of you are following moving safety protocols at all times. There is nothing worse than receiving an injury where there should have been none. Play it safe and everything is going to be fine.

Other important tips to help seniors prepare for moving!
Here are some additional tips for making your seniors’ move easier:
- Help with the decluttering process – Decluttering is one of those things where you need an extra pair of eyes and a second brain that thinks logically. There will be a lot of items of sentimental value, which are absolutely fine to keep, but there will be stuff that is simply not needed. If you are around, it will be a lot easier to identify the latter. But don’t get into a big argument about it, at any point. If your seniors dig in their heels, it might be wise to simply let it go.
- Gather moving boxes and packing supplies – Every relocation requires packing supplies and boxes. You can invest a bit of your time to acquire them prior to the move. It will make everything easier if you have all the materials at hand. A cheap way to obtain these is to visit your local stores and ask if they have some cardboard boxes they don’t need. Most of the time, they will not mind parting with a box or two.
- Arrange traveling – A great way to take some mental pressure off your seniors is to create a travel plan for them. It is best if you can drive them, obviously, as they will have someone they know and trust right beside them, but organizing suitable transportation is fine as well. Make the effort and they will appreciate it.
- Throw a goodbye party and invite all their friends – Finally, throw a farewell party! Invite all of the people that you know that they like and make that day memorable for them. Even if the reason for the move is not pretty, having people you like around you is always good.