Are you dreading your moving day already? Don’t worry, moving away is sad and stressful for many, but there are ways to make your moving day more enjoyable. Packing, and loading, and driving, and unpacking is a nuisance, to say the least. But, feel free to leave that to our long-distance moving companies. Something more difficult is saying goodbye to your loved ones, but once you hit the road and take a bite of your first slice of freedom, you will realize what a privilege you have. We understand that the process of moving from your old town to your new one isn’t typically considered fun or enjoyable but it doesn’t have to be miserable and boring either. In fact, this moving day could even be the best day of your life if you stay with us until the end of this article.

Broadening your horizons to make your moving day more enjoyable
When we go through huge life changes, like moving away, the transition can be quite difficult. Even so, you have only two choices in this situation. The first one involves stressing and complaining about your move all day long and crying to your friends and family because you are afraid to part your way with them. Which is guaranteed to lead you into the overthinking pit hole resulting in many sleepless nights and a moody attitude on your moving day. And the second choice, you ask? Accept that the move is inevitable, for starters. Then realize, that you have just gotten a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change your life around for the better. Think about it. You will be at point zero in your new little nest. Nobody knows you there, you can be whoever you want and do whatever you want. So spread your wings and fly little butterfly. New adventures await you.
Getting excited about your new city
So, little butterfly, where do you want to fly? Who are you going to be? Don’t know it yet? Let’s find out. Go on a virtual tour of your new city before your moving day. And look around. What caught your eye first? Get your pen and paper. Write it down. Now, search for the parks, the museums, the art galleries, the theaters. What is happening over there? How are the locals spending their evenings, their weekends? Look around your future neighborhood. Imagine what kind of people live there, what are they like? Maybe, you will meet someone. Go ahead, play detective a little bit. And spy on your new city on Google Street View. Plan where you are going to make your next Instagram post. Explore the cultural calendar of your new city and get ready to try some delicious local food.
Turning your move into a game
You have started packing for your big day and you just can’t fit everything into your suitcases? And you are starting to stress out again…Remember those friends that you will miss? It’s time to have an absolute blast with them. Invite your friends over for a packing party. You can start decluttering by gifting your friends some of the stuff that you will no longer need or that can’t fit into your car. You could do that by organizing a hidden object game or treasure hunt. If after you gift your friends a lot of your items, you still have trouble fitting everything into one vehicle, feel free to contact long-distance movers Terrell Hills Tx to deliver the rest of your items to your new home.

Decorate your boxes and suitcases
Whether you have managed to pack your whole life into one suitcase or you have multiple trucks of furniture and wardrobes getting delivered to your new place, you should try decorating a few of the boxes. It will lift your mood even more. Plus everybody likes seeing nice decorations or quirky messages at the airport. It might even strike up a conversation with another passenger. Who knows what else could happen. But you definitely will be standing out of the crowd. And if you happen to see someone who is frustrating and complaining about their move, and their long flights and whatnot, make sure to smile in their direction. With your colorful hand-painted suitcase and a lit-up face. However, if you’ve got a little too much bulky furniture that you love and you have to take with you, and it might even be more than a few trucks, don’t hesitate to contact our long-distance movers Texas to help you out with that.
“Please Don’t Stop The Music”
While your friends are playing dress-up with the clothes you won’t be bringing, turn up your Bluetooth speaker. Always keep the music playing, throughout your whole moving process. Prepare a playlist for your moving day and one for unpacking when you get to your new home. And while we are still talking about dress-ups, check out this article about what not to wear on your moving day to avoid ruining your big day. When you are all dressed up, get your headphones and get out there with the music turned up and a big smile on that pretty face. Here is a list of some upbeat songs you may want to add to your playlist:
- Send Me On My Way – Rusted Roots
- Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
- Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – Wham!
- Hey Ya! – OutKast

Hitting the road
Your big day has finally come. It’s time to hit the road. The trucks loaded with your stuff have already departed. And you picked out the right outfit for the move. At last, you are stepping out of your comfort zone. And, for once, looking forward to a long day of tiring travel. This is your chance to maybe, meet your first friend from the new city. The sooner, the better. So don’t be afraid to chat up with the person sitting next to you. You might see them again sometimes.
The biggest takeaway from my last move was this: great things never came from comfort zones. To make your moving day more enjoyable, please take the risk of stepping out of that comfort zone. And if you look back, you will realize that that comfort zone wasn’t that comfortable anyway. Who wouldn’t love the feeling of being anonymous in a new city?